www.belgium.be Logo of the Belgian government

Access to MyMinFin

2 possible scenarios:

You go straight to your profile

  • This is because you can only act in your own name.

You arrive on a page offering different profiles

  • This is because you can act in your own name and under other profiles

What profiles are available?

An icon is available for each profile for which you have a role; simply click on the profile icon in whose name you wish to act.


  • Access the procedures you can carry out as a citizen


  • Here you can access the procedures you can carry out as a legal representative or employee of a company.


  • You can access the procedures you can carry out as a chartered surveyor.

      Would you like to work with your different profiles?

      • To change your profile, you no longer need to log out and log in again: you can switch from one profile to another during the same session by clicking on "Change profile" in the list that appears after right-clicking on your company's icon at the top right of the screen.

      Would you like to act for one or more of your company's customers?

      • No change here, just click on "Select a customer" in the list that appears after right-clicking on your company's icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

      Is the Site Inaccessible ?

      • The first thing that you have to do is to clear your web browser cache
      • If you use a favourite or shortcut, clear it and use the aforementioned link